St. Margaretha Chapel Wijlegem

In the municipality of Sint-Denijs-Boekel you will find the Sint Margaretha Chapel in the hamlet of Wijlegem. The chapel is a real gem, unique because of its location and serenity. Every square centimetre here truly exudes monumental value. The chapel was already mentioned in 1108. Later, Saint Margaretha emerged as its patron, a beloved popular […]


The picturesque Vijflindenkapel definitely deserves a stop during your walking or cycling tour. You can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the Zwalm region with a panoramic view of the surrounding open landscape. The chapel probably dates from the 18th century, but there are also several older mentions. Plop down on one of […]

Alderman’s letter from Bochoute

In the Dikkelse kouters you will encounter a special memorial stone at the intersection of the Oudenweg and the Kouterstraat. The massive stone from the famous quarries of Balegem immortalizes Bochoute’s Alderman’s Letter. A charter from 1249 written entirely in a regional variant of Middle Dutch. The charter seals the land transaction between the gentleman […]

Castle Ten Bieze

The Castle ‘Ten Bieze’ is located in a beautiful park of sixty hectares and is connected to the village centre of Beerlegem by a beech lane. The history of the castle dates back to lord Diederik van Berleghem (1196). The current castle was built around 1730. The domain is owned by Count d’Ursel de Bousies […]

Koutermolen [mill]

From every hilltop in Zwalm, the white stone vat of the Koutermolen in Rozebeke immediately catches the eye. Sometimes it glows in the sun… sometimes it looks dreary in the fog or rain, but it is always a symbol of faded mill glory. The history of this grain and oil windmill dates back to before […]


Zwalm has no fewer than 12 churches. There are as many as there are villages. It is not without reason that the municipality is called the twelve-village paradise. You will find Gothic, neoclassical and Renaissance features in the architectural style and decoration of the sometimes impressive churches. Several of them also have a beautiful organ […]

Statue Heros

At the recreation site in Munkzwalm you can admire the statue ‘Heros’ by internationally renowned artist Johan Tahon. The image cannot be captured in a few words. It is a representation of passion, victory, someone who wants to surpass himself and was inaugurated in 2011 on the occasion of Zwalm ‘Village of the Tour’.  “Heros […]